Monday, March 12, 2012

Jonah Hill

I could possibly be Jonah Hill's number one fan. I've been pretty devoted to him since his Superbad days and keep fighting the good jump on the Jonah Hill bandwagon fight.

Comedy is such a wonderful thing to enjoy in life and I regularly get through my days relaying on my sense of humor. What can I say chuckling, haha-ing, giggling, snort laughing is infectious and ranks among my top five FAVORITE things to do.

And this is where J Hill comes along. Seeing his shining face and those kind of disturbing, but ultimately inviting happy eyes makes me laugh at the onset. This is why again I was thrilled to hear he would be on what is becoming the thing I most look forward to on the weekends, SNL!

With watching SNL I have convinced my psyche that I have a whole new group of friends, the SNL cast. I mean we spend most Saturday nights together so we are basically attached at the hips. We share little inside jokes and Kristen Wiig and I talk about dying our hair. Wait, this doesn't actually happen? That's besides the point.

Jonah (first name basis status) was on Saturday Night Live this past weekend and he was spectacular. I am proud to admit my total bias in support of Jonah Hill and that is why you won't find a single critique of THIS guy on my blog, 
See what I mean about those eyes?
Although I feel the topic of his weight is completely irrelevant to his level of funniness, let's get the elephant out of the room. He was fat, then he got super skinny and now is tipping on the brink between chubby to fatness again. As long as he is healthy is what I say! Which he probably is not, but that tis here nor there.


Please watch this skit and experience the pure joy of listening to six year old Adam Grossman spout out hilarious musings.

The recurring skit J Pop America Fun Time Now is always at least mildly amusing, but when Jonah Hill couldn't stop himself from laughing and breaking character as "Martin Bladfeld-san" I couldn't handle it, mostly because I really like when comedians/actors break and start laughing. The power of my staff.

And finally the last skit of SNL left me feeling really happy. It was like a big fun friend sing along dance time. I felt like I was there or maybe I just wished I was.

Note: Bill Hader as Steffon was great this week (look up "hoomba", a human roomba, for a new fun term) as was Kristen Wiig as Paula Dean and Liza Minnelli. Also, a spoof of Ghost Hunters in this week's video short was kismet.

I am eagerly anticipating the release of 21 Jump Street this coming weekend! But in the mean time I have some other Jonah Hill masterpieces in my extensive movie collection to bide my time with.

Now I leave you with this,

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