They might be polar opposites, with one a fictional character and the other a badass journalist, but I bet they would like each other if they met.
Peppy Miller
I usually try to play games with award winning movies by not seeing them because seeing all of them or picking a few to see is just too overwhelming! Then I am lamely relegated to watching crappy superhero flicks or whatever is available instantly on Netflix.
But, this year I stopped futzing around and saw The Artist.
I wasn't sure about this movie because I like color and talking. What? Movies are in color with noise? I forgot about those two generally crucial aspects of modern film because The Artist was so good!
I'm sure everyone has heard their fair share about this movie so I won't go into details.
What I will comment on is the main female lead, Peppy Miller. I knew I liked Peppy right away because her name was Peppy. Is this not the best? After I spent a few minutes thinking how my life would have been different had I been named Peppy (I would have learned to tap dance and I would do cool things like wink and always have my fingernails painted red), I got back to admiring her.
Bottom line, Peppy Miller is likeable. You want to be her or be her friend. She was fueled by her loyalty, love and admiration for Jean Dujardin. Not in a "I have no life because my life revolves around my guy" way. She is endearing. She knew what she wanted and went for it. She became a star!
Also, she does crazy tricks like this
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I am reading her book, Talking Back: to Presidents, Dictators and Assorted Scoundrels.
Scoundrels in a book title! I'm sold! But really, I'm a political news junkie so this is right up my alley.
Currently, she hosts the show Mitchell Reports on MSNBC and is a regular on political talk show programs, like my favorite The Morning Joe. Andrea has been around a long time. She has staying power and is smart and talented. Because I am now an expert on her from reading 1/3 of her book so far, I know that she worked hard to get where she is having to start from the bottom and work her way up more than once. Right on sister. I need to finish her book and then I want to meet her.
You can follow her on Twitter: @mitchellreports
If you haven't seen The Artist, do. And if you don't know who Andrea Mitchell is, get to know her.
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