Sunday, November 13, 2011

Why I want to be best friends with Emma Stone

I had just recently vowed to myself that I would start religiously watching SNL because it's funny and I don't have anything exciting to do on Saturday nights anymore. So this Saturday was to be the start of my SNL journey and I realized Emma Stone was hosting!!!!!!!!!!! I felt like this was an obvious sign from greater powers of my should be BFF status with Ms. Stone.

Sidenote, I often times find what could be simple coincidences to be signs from the universe. Maybe irrational, but it works. Emma Stone's stellar performance on SNL last night created perfect timing for a blog post on why we should be best friends.

The reasons are pretty simple. I've been a fan of Emma since the glory days of Superbad (maybe one of my all time favorite movies), but I'll save the conversation of my devotion to Jonah Hill for another time. Although, I will comment that sometimes I find myself daydreaming of strolling down the street with Emma and Jonah on either arm just reveling in our happy friendship...

Emma is funny, cute, beautiful, seems smart and down to earth and genuine. Most of all she, I like to assume, is pretty normal. It's refreshing in a time when most Hollywood starlets are airbrushed to perfection in a cookie cutter frame. I mean I don't know Emma but I hope all my observations of her are true. Also if we were friends I am certain she would set me up with Ryan Gosling because she's got those connections from Crazy Stupid Love yo!

This was my favorite sketch from SNL last night. WHO HASN'T CRIED TO ADELE'S SOMEONE LIKE YOU! If you haven't at least thought about shedding a tear, you have no soul.

 Also this,

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